Broderi etter Lølandmønster - Rogalandsbunad Husfliden
Broderi etter mønster fra forkle til Vestfoldbunad.
These Fingerless Gloves are perfect to match my national costume at the 17th of May when waving my flag, or to use just about anywhere when it´s a bit too cold to work without something covering your hands. The yarn brand is Norwegian Rauma yarn. 100% wool, and can only be purchased at certified dealers. The color off-white is perfect to match anything. After reading the direction, I decided the easiest way to really learn this would be to translate it to English. It forced me to think through every stitch and row. I´ve designet the gusset so there is one seeming stitch involved. I prefer to knit the first stitch on every row of the thumb in purl (P). Also, I´ve tried to give instruction so that there is absolutely no holes to speak of when adding stitches. This is the first knitting pattern to translate from Norwegian to English and I´m sure there are a few mistakes, please do not hesitate to drop a comment. I then will be able to correct the mistake, and prevent others from making the same. Thanks, and good luck!
KNITTING INSTRUCTION - NORWEGIAN FINGERLESS GLOVES (First photo from the top - 1st place in a local knitting competition issued by The Norwegian Association of Arts & Crafts ):
Materials: 100% wool, Rauma Yarn, Off-White, 2 treads, 50 gram
1 set double-point needles size 2,5 mm, and 1 set double-point needles size 2 mm.
Stitch holder or waste yarn
Small tapestry needle to weave in ends.
Stitch explanation:
p = purl
k = knit
psso = pass stitch slip on to next needle, or slip 1 stitch as if to knit
K2 tog = knit 2 stitches together
1YO = cast yarn between two stitches.
Start as follows: On double pointed needles cast on 66 stitches. Place loops on 4 separate needles size 2.5 mm.
Work in the round as follows:
Row 1 : P1, K 10 - Repeat to the end.
Row 2 : P1, K2 tog, K2, 1YO (cast yarn between to stitches), K2, 1YO, K2, 1psso (slip 1 stitch as if to knit), K1 and slip the psso over the last K1. Repeat this pattern in the round.
Continue row 1 and row 2 until piece measures 7 cm.
On last row bind off as follows to 54 sts: Knit row 2, but do not 1YO (cast), and the row will adjust to 54 sts.
Knit one round. Change to double pointed needles size no. 2 mm.
Start thumb gusset:
K1, add a sts. (Without getting a hole just knit into the loop made by the stitch under the next stitch and then knit the next stitch on the left needle).
K3, add sts.
Repeat this round on every fourth (4) row until 15 sts are added.
(Tips: You may place a marker before and after the K3 in the middle).
Place the 15 sts for thumb gusset onto waste yarn, or stitch holder. Replace the ten (10) slipped stitches from right needle back to left needle. The round now has 61 stitches.
Continue knitting round until you have reached a comfortable lenght (5 cm) after the thumb. P last row and bind off all stitches.
For thumb:
Pick up stitches from waste yarn and using working yarn pick up two stitches from the sides. 22 stitches. K in the round until the thumb measure 2 cm. P last row, and bind off.
If you have trouble understand my directions you may try:
And the winner is..Marie Østråt Søndervik. Konkurransen "Håndplagg til Bunad" Husflidslaget hadde før jul i fjor.
Oppskrift Pulsvante med broderi av Marie Østråt Søndervik.
Vinner av Rogaland Husflidslags håndplagg-konkurranse i 2010, i kategorien stas-håndplagg.
Garn: Rauma Gammelserie, 50 g naturhvitt nr. 401.
Pinner nr. 2, 5 (mansjett), 2
Legg opp 66 m og strikk 1 omg. vr.
Strikk bølgemønster ca. 6 cm, eller til ønsket lengde.
1. omg.: 1vr, 10 r, gjenta ut omg.
2. omg.: 1 vr, 2 r sammen, 2 r, 1 kast, 2 r, 1 kast, 2 r, ta 1 m løst av 1 r, trekk den løse over. Gjenta ut omg.
Gjenta omg. 1 og 2. På siste omg. sløyfes kastene, det blir nå 54 m rundt.
Strikk 1 omg. (Bytt til pinner nr. 2)
Begynn økning til tommel:
Strikk 1 m, ta opp 1 m, strikk 3 m, ta opp 1 m.
Øk på hver 4. omg. til det er 15 m (medregnet de 3 i midten). Sett maskene på en tråd. Legg opp nye 10 m, 61 m på omgangen.
Strikk til passe lengde på pulsvanten, ca. 5 cm etter tommelen. Den siste omg. strikkes vr, før en feller av.
Tommelen strikkes ca 2 cm før den siste omg. strikkes vr. og felles av.
Broderiet er fra broderiet på Husflidens bunad, og sydd med garnet som hører til. Mønsteret kan overføres ved å tegne det på matpapir, og så trokle etter tegningen, plukke vekk papiret og så brodere etter tråklingen. Eller en kan tegne det direkte på med tusj eller blyant.
Lykke til!!