Hel lengde: 21,5 cm - Lengde tommel: 5 cm.
What a chilly cold winter it´s been. When it is at its wildest outdoor, indoor warmth gives energy to start new projects. And, as you all already know it is strawberry season in my house. Irresistible, the berries and the pure white snow gave inspiration to my latest design journey of a new collection of mittens. I particulary like the contrast combination of the color from Scandinavian clear sparkling white snow, and the ruby red fresh color of hot summer strawberries.
I chose felting as knitting(fiber) technique to this knitting project. As you can tell from this photo one has to make the mittens in a huge size. These are made with double pointed needles size 6 mm. I casted on 32 stitches. To felt the yarn must be 100 % wool (- 100% Laine - 100% Lana). Finally, machine wash in hot water and rinse cold and machine dry. Now, the mittens are lovely, soft and warm. The softness of the mittens are very important, and I had to carefully choose yarn for this project. The fibers in the mittens should allow the fingers to move freely.
It is all about Strawberries and Snow!
Polka Dots og Hjerteformede knapper.
Å bruke knapper til pynt er den enkle måten å dekorere på. Sist høst fikk jeg en kolleksjon med gamle vintage knapper av min tyske venninne, Heidi. Det eneste hun ønsket var at jeg fant en måte å bruke dem på nytt. På disse vottene er de brukt til pynt. Et tips kan være å lage en løkke festet til den ene votten. Nå kan knappen på den andre votten festes i løkken. Vottene holdes samlet, og er kanskje et tips for alle som har barn i barnehage?
Polka Dots and Heart Shape Buttons.
Last fall I got a collection of old vintage buttons from my German friend, Heidi. Her only wish was her hope for reuse or recycling. There are several project finalished with her buttons, and this pair of Scandinavian felted winter white mittens are one of them. Decorated with one pair of heart shaped buttons, and one pair of polka dots buttons. An easy way to decorate.
Polka Dots and Heart Shape Buttons.
Last fall I got a collection of old vintage buttons from my German friend, Heidi. Her only wish was her hope for reuse or recycling. There are several project finalished with her buttons, and this pair of Scandinavian felted winter white mittens are one of them. Decorated with one pair of heart shaped buttons, and one pair of polka dots buttons. An easy way to decorate.
Tip: A tip may be to make a loop and attach it to one mitten, and then the button placed on the other mitten can be attached to the loop. Now, the mittens stay together. Perhaps a useful idea for anyone with children in kindergarten?
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