4 pers.
Pose med Fiskesuppe med mye mindre væske enn forklart fra leverandør.
4 små rå gulrøtter - rives
1 boks maiskorn m/kraften
Litt purre eller vårløk
1 Fiskepudding i biter. (eller, bytt fiskepudding med ca 300 gr. fersk fisk i store biter)
Citron er bestevenn med fisk, så press gjerne litt frisk sitronjuice i. Frisk dill er pynt, lukter og smaker godt. Tilslutt en spiseskje rømme.
Norway´s number one holiday cake is called "Bløtkake". "Bløtkake" is basically a layered cake with whipped cream and fruit or berry puree. And, beside oil Norway is known for it´s production of fish. Naturally, there are many fish dishes to choose among. A particular one that is used, both to trick somebody as entertainment, or as a healthy choice of fast food is a winter white cake made of fish and cream (photo) called "Fiskepudding". It is made of minced fresh fish blended with spices and cream. Lovely. Bescause of it´s design similar to "Bløtkake" people use "Fiskepudding" to perform a joke. They decorate the fish pudding like a festive "Bløtkake" with whipped cream etc., and make people believe it is the sweet version; "Bløtkake". Amusing.
"Fiskepudding" or Fish Pudding is the main ingredient in my fish casserole. Earlier this week I said home baked bread is the best way to start a soup dish. Hope yours is done? Here is the recipe for a very quick, easy, peasy and very tasty fish soup:
(Makes 4 servings)
Buy one ready to mix package of fish soup from the store. Use less water/liquid than the supplier suggest.
2 shredded carrots. (normal size).
1 can with sweet corn. (Add the juice too)
Sliced spring onions
1 Fish Pudding cut in slices. (Or fresh fish of the day from the market)
Lemon and fishes are best friends. Add some fresh lemon juice. Decorate with fresh chopped dill. Finally, one tablespoon of sour cream.
This is not the recipe to present at "Grüne Woche" in Berlin, or Bocouse d´Or in France, but it is a nice choice of fast food.
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