Håndkniplet blonde med motiv fra epleblomst. Knypplad spets. Hand Made Lace.
Knipleputen/Knyppeldyna med knyppelpinnar. Teknikk: hver hånd holder et par kniplepinner - kniplebrev av farvet papir.
Arbeidsbskrivelse til blondemønsteret Appleblom. Arbetsbeskrivning av knypplad spets.
Kniplingen består av to bevegelser, dreiing og kryssing. Av utstyr trengs kniplepute, kniplepinner, knappenåler, tråd og kniplebrevet.
Kniplebrevet inneholder mønsteret til den ting som skal lages. Det har prikker på alle steder det må stikkes knappenåler for å danne mønsteret. Romertall over de små ringene angir hvor mange kniplepinner skal stikkes fast på hvert punkt osv. Mønsteret plaseres oppå kniplepappen på puten, og man stikker loddrett ned gjennom alle punktene.
Knipling er et gammelt håndarbeid som har eksistert i tusener av år, men i dag er det få som kan det.
Är du nyfiken på det med knippling? Hur man gör handgjorda spetsar, eller knyppla armband? Knyppling är handarbete och används blant annat för att tillverka spets. Att knyppla är mycket logisk. Tråderna är lindade på särskilda spolar, knyppelpinnar. De olika knypplingsteknikerna har alle knyppeldyna, pinnar och pappersmönster.
Knypplingen härstammar från Italien tidigt 1500-tal. I Sverige från 1700-talets första halft. Först i kragar och manschettar. Senare tillverkades spetsar för lakan och örngott. Till slutt, nyskapande i form av inredningstextilier, som decor i lampor, bordslinnen och alterspetsar (jfr. wiki).
Lacemaking – an ancient craft.Lace is an openwork fabric with open holes in the fabric, or a net of thin threads. It is a delicate kind of network often used for the ornamenting of female dresses. My friend, Lilian, has made me a piece that will become a lace bracelet.
The holes can be formed via removal of threads from a previously woven fabric (great recycling project), or by using the lace making art technique called “ needle lace”. Many regard needle lace as the height of lace making arts. “If you can count to four and know the difference between right and left, you can do lacemaking." This is a saying about about the beautiful art;lacemaking. But when looking at the delicate lace fabric, it seems completely incomprehensible that it should be so simple. This is handwork that stands out from everything else. It is a delicate handicraft that has existed for a very long time, but not many people know lacing today.
This handicraft is not just one thread similar to crocheting, knitting, or sewing. In the lace technique, one has to keep the number of needles with threads in each hand, merging many threads through a broken lace. Work starts to unravel the lace needles, and it is lightweight, thin twisted yarns in various thicknesses. Linen and cotton yarns are mostly used (mercerisert cotton thread no. 80) Originally,- in ancient times, it was used strands of silk, gold or silver. Absolutely the thinnest and finest threads. Today it is not possible to get as thin threads, but there are those who make use of sewing thread to the foam light and delicate process of lacemaking.
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